Monday, November 26, 2012


I found recently interesting open source software for simulation of multibody dynamics. Here it is

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Release of VESStudy 2.0

I would like to think you for many question and comments. Especially I want to thank Sergey Sofin, Frank Chen, Andrey Nikiforov, Markus Klein, Erwin Walker for their interest to my project and help. From the obtained mails I can conclude that VESStudy is used mainly for the following problems:
Choice of VES electrode array and development of measurement technique.
- Generation of examples for lectures.
- Feasibility study for VES application to investigation of geological structures.
- Solution of the inverse problem by fitting 3D model geometry.
- Testing of software/methods for solution of the inverse problem.
- For electrical resistivity tomography the calculations can be used for optimization of electrode positions, number of electrodes and measurement program.

New version of VESStudy is released. In comparison with the previous version VESStudy 2.0 has significant advantages. The new version together with the developed software package GenModel makes the generation of models much easier. Automatic mesh refinement enables to generate the models without usage of Gmsh program. Thus, for example, for generation of two-layer model it is enough to define four points of interface surface and to generate model by using gensur program. Below the new features are enumerated :
1. The packet program GenModel for simplification of model creation was developed.
2. Input of model in VTK format.
3. Automatic mesh refinement.
4. Output of medium model in VTK format.
5. Output of electrode model in VTK format.
6. Usage of arbitrary relief surface.
7. Automatic projection of electrode position on the relief surface.
8. The electrodes can be placed in an arbitrary position of the geological medium.

Please feel free to ask any question.